吴越钟,男,校聘副研究员,2023年9月加入福建省网络计算与智能信息处理重点实验室。研究兴趣包括:普适计算,物联网,人机交互,无线通信与感知,振动信号分析等,特别是人工智能+物联网 以及 复杂环境下的高能效通信和感知。曾在UbiComp、INFOCOM、IPSN、ICDCS、GECCO、TOSN、IoTJ、JOGO等国际顶级会议和期刊上发表10余篇论文,担任过MobiSys、SenSys、IPSN、TIFS、Applied Soft Computing等国际顶级会议和期刊的审稿人,2019年GECCO Companion程序委员会成员。
2018.03 – 2023.04 澳大利亚新南威尔士大学,计算机科学与工程学院,博士,导师:Wen Hu教授。
2013.09 – 2016.06 中国科学技术大学,计算机学院,硕士,导师:Thomas Weise教授。
2009.09 – 2013.06 西南交通大学,信息科学与技术学院,本科。
Ubiquitous Computing Group(UCG泛在计算研究小组)。
Selected publications(部分论文):
1. Yuezhong Wu, Mahbub Hassan and Wen hu, "SafeGait: Safeguarding Gait-based Key Generation against Vision based Side Channel Attack using Generative Adversarial Network", ACM Interactive, Mobile, Wireless and Ubiquitous Technology (IMWUT/UBICOMP) 2022.
2. Yuezhong Wu, Qi Lin, Hong Jia, Wen Hu, and Mahbub Hassan, "Auto-Key: Using Autoencoder to Speed Up Gait-based Key Generation in Body Area Networks”, ACM Interactive, Mobile, Wireless and Ubiquitous Technology (IMWUT/UBICOMP) 2020.
3. Yuezhong Wu, Carlos Ruiz, Shijia Pan, Hae Young Noh, Mahbub Hassan, Pei Zhang, Wen Hu, "Using Deep Learning to Classify The Acceleration Measurement Devices", International Symposium on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN), 2020.
4. Yuezhong Wu, Wei Song, Yanxiang Wang, Dong Ma, Weitao Xu, Mahbub Hassan, Wen Hu. "VibMilk: Non-Intrusive Milk Spoilage Detection via Smartphone Vibration", IEEE Internet of Things Journal(IoT-J), 2024.
5. Dong Ma, Yuezhong Wu, Ming Ding, Mahbub Hassan, and Wen Hu. "Skin-MIMO: Vibration-based MIMO Communication over Human Skin". In the IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications, (INFOCOM) 2020.
6. Qi Lin, Shuhua Peng, Yuezhong Wu, Jun liu, Wen Hu, Mahbub Hassan, Aurna Seneviratne and Chun H. Wang, "E-Jacket: Posture Detection with Loose-Fitting Garment using a Novel Strain Sensor”, ACM/IEEE conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN), Sydney, Australia, 2020.
7. Huanqi Yang, Hongbo Liu, Yuezhong Wu, Chengwen Luo, Wei Li, Albert Zomaya, Linqi Song and Weitao Xu. "Vehicle-Key: A Secret Key Establishment Scheme for LoRa-enabled IoV Communications", Accepted by IEEE Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS) 2022.
8. Yuezhong Wu, Thomas Weise, and Raymond Chiong. Local Search for the Traveling Salesman Problem: A Comparative Study. In Proceedings of the 14th IEEE Conference on Cognitive Informatics & Cognitive Computing (ICCI*CC'15)
9. Yuezhong Wu, Thomas Weise, and Weichen Liu. Hybridizing Different Local Search Algorithms with Each Other and Evolutionary Computation: Better Performance on the Traveling Salesman Problem. In Proceedings of the 18th Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO'16), Denver, Colorado, USA, July 20–24, 2016
10. Thomas Weise, Yuezhong Wu, Raymond Chiong, Ke Tang, and Jörg Lässig. Global versus Local Search: The Impact of Population Sizes on Evolutionary Algorithm Performance. Journal of Global Optimization (JOGO) 66(3):511-534, November 2016.
11. Thomas Weise, Yuezhong Wu, Weichen Liu, and Raymond Chiong. Implementation Issues in Optimization Algorithms: Do they matter? Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence (JETAI), 2019.