

来源:     发布日期:2019-07-12    浏览次数:


报告人:李双娟 博士




  Intrusion detection is an important application of wireless sensor networks (WSNs). Given a set of mobile sensors and their initial positions, how to move these sensors to a region border to achieve barrier coverage energy-efficiently is challenging. This paper studies the 2-D MinMax barrier coverage problem of moving n sensors in a two-dimensional plane to form a barrier coverage of a specified line segment in the plane while minimizing the maximum sensor movement for the sake of balancing battery power consumption. Previously, this problem was shown to be NP-hard for the general case when the sensing ranges are arbitrary. It was an open problem whether the problem is polynomial-time solvable for the case when sensors have a fixed number of sensing ranges. We first study the barrier coverage problem for the general case and propose a two-phase algorithm and a greedy algorithm. The approximation factor of the two-phase algorithm is proved to be √2 for the case when the sensors can exactly cover the barrier. We then study a special case of great practical significance that the sensors have the same sensing range and present an O(n2log n) time algorithm. We obtain Θ(n3) candidate values for the minimum maximum sensor movement by deriving a necessary condition of the optimal sensor deployment and find the optimal sensor movement among them by using an efficient search procedure and a decision algorithm. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first result for solving the 2-D MinMax barrier coverage problem both for the general case and the uniform case.



李双娟博士工作于华南农业大学数学与信息学院。2005年获得武汉大学信息安全学士学位,2007年获得武汉大学计算机科学与理论硕士学位,2007-2013年曾在中国电子科技集团公司第七研究所工作,2016年获得中山大学计算机科学与技术博士学位。主要从事无线自组织网络、无线传感器网络的协议、算法设计。曾在网络领域顶级会议INFOCOM、权威期刊Computer Network等发表论文。目前主持一项国家自然科学基金青年项目。主要参与的项目曾获得中国电子科技集团公司一等奖。
