

来源:     发布日期:2024-05-08    浏览次数:



报告题目:Hyper-Bent Functions from Dillon Exponents(利用Dillon型指数构造超Bent函数)

Abstract: Hyper-bent functions are a class of important bent Boolean functions, which achieve maximum distance from all bijective monomial functions, and provide further security towards approximation attacks. Being described by a stricter definition, hyper-bent functions are much more difficult to characterize than bent functions. In 2008, Charpin and Gong presented a characterization of hyper-bentness of Boolean functions with multiple trace terms obtained via Dillon-like functions with coefficients in the subfield in terms of some exponential sums. In this talk we are interested in the characterization of hyper-bentness of such functions with coefficients in the extension field. By employing Mobius transformation, we give connections among the property of hyper-bentness, the exponential sum involving Dickson polynomials and the number of rational points on some associated hyperelliptic curves. The effectiveness of this new method can be seen from the characterization of a new class of binomial hyper-bent functions with coefficients in extension fields.


报告人介绍:唐春明,研究员,西南交通大学信息科学与技术学院。1982年1月出生,2012年7月获得北京大学博士学位,先后在巴黎第八大学与香港科技大学从事博士后研究工作,方向为面向网络空间安全的编码密码理论。以独立/第一/通讯作者身份在领域权威期刊发表论文70余篇,包括编码密码理论最顶级期刊IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 20余篇。因在密码函数领域的贡献,荣获密码学国际学术奖:布尔奖(George Boole Prize);研究成果也曾获教育部自然科学二等奖;正在主持国家自然科学基金重点项目和面上项目。
