

来源:     发布日期:2021-10-08    浏览次数:





  • 美国加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)访问研究员(visiting researcher)。发表80余篇SCI/EI学术论文,授权30余项国家发明专利,研究成果在国内外顶级专业期刊及国际会议发表,如TCAD、TODEAS、DATE、《电子学报》、GLSVLSI、ISQED等。

  • 主要研究方向为人工智能,包括机器学习、强化学习、智能计算的研究与应用,及其涉及的高性能计算、及网络空间安全方面的相关问题。涵盖大数据、并行计算、GPU加速、CUDA、多智能体等,同时也关注SoC芯片、AI芯片、生物芯片等安全策略及物理设计相关问题。

  • 获得第二届全国电子线路教学竞赛华东区一等奖,负责制作的课程《网络空间安全概论》获国家级精品在线课程,由实验室研究生助教参与的董老师主讲课程获得福建省精品线上线下课程。



专硕学硕 均以“项目驱动” 为途径:










受邀在Springer出版社出版的《Handbook of Biochips》中,撰写生物芯片安全为主题的章节。和系里老师一起编著《网络空间安全概论》一书,由清华大学出版社出版。











6)指导2022级硕士陈力涵发表芯片类CCF A类期刊学术论文,已直博。


指导的2018届本科毕业生洪志兴同学2021届本科生刘钰琳同学获得“校级优秀毕业设计”(top 2%);另有多名同学获得院优秀论文。范馨文,刘钰琳等多位同学在本科在读期间发表SCI高水平学术论文,保送至985院校读研。


Multi-granularity visual-textual jointly modeling for aspect-level multimodal sentiment analysis                                    2025                                

Y Chen, L Shi, J Lin, J Chen, J Zhong, C Dong  

The Journal of Supercomputing 81 (1), 46

Network Intrusion Detection based on Feature Fusion of Attack Dimension                                                                  2024

X Sun, Z Gu, H Zhang, J Gu, Y Liu, C Dong, J Ye

Multi-view multi-behavior interest learning network and contrastive learning for multi-behavior recommendation           2024

J Su, Y Chen, X Lin, J Zhong, C Dong  
Knowledge-Based Systems 305, 112604  

A knowledge-enhanced interest segment division attention network for click-through rate prediction                                  2024

J Su, Y Chen, X Lin, J Zhong, C Dong  

Knowledge-Based Systems 305, 112604

A numerical magnitude aware multi-channel hierarchical encoding network for math word problem solving                      2024

J Xu, Y Chen, L Xiao, H Liao, J Zhong, C Dong  

Neural Computing and Applications, 1-22

Digital Microfluidic Biochips Test Path Planning Based on Swarm Intelligence Optimization and Internet of Things Technology            2024

Z Yang, Z Xie, C Dong, X Fan, Z Chen  

2024 IEEE International Conferences on Internet of Things (iThings) and IEEE …

malDetect: Malware Classification Using API Sequence and Comparison with Transformer Encoder                           2024

J Lin, J Lin, C Lyu, X Fan, C Dong  

2024 IEEE International Conferences on Internet of Things (iThings) and IEEE …

Gnn4ht: A two-stage gnn based approach for hardware trojan multifunctional classification                                           2024

L Chen, C Dong, Q Wu, X Liu, X Guo, Z Chen, H Zhang, Y Yang  

IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems

A knowledge-augmented heterogeneous graph convolutional network for aspect-level multimodal sentiment analysis                          2024

Y Wan, Y Chen, J Lin, J Zhong, C Dong  

Computer Speech & Language 85, 101587

Harnessing the advances of MEDA to optimize multi-PUF for enhancing IP security of biochips                                            2024

C Dong, X Guo, S Lian, Y Yao, Z Chen, Y Yang, Z Liu    

Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences 36 (3), 101996

Reactant and waste minimization during sample preparation on micro-ele                                                                      2024

ctrode-dot-array digital microfluidic biochips using splitting trees

C Dong, X Chen, Z Chen    

Journal of Electronic Testing 40 (1), 87-99

PriTKT: a blockchain-enhanced privacy-preserving electronic ticket system for IoT devices                                            2024

Y Zhan, F Yuan, R Shi, G Shi, C Dong    

Sensors 24 (2), 496

A Deep Learning Approach for Hardware Trojan Detection Based on Ensemble Learning                                               2023

Y Yao, C Dong, Z Xie, Y Li, X Guo, Y Yang, X Wang    

Proceedings of the 2023 13th International Conference on Communication and …

AntiMal: an Approach of Malware Detection Employing Swin Transformer                                                                        2023

C Lyu, Y Yao, X Guo, Z Huang, C Dong, Y Zhang, Z Chen    

Proceedings of the 2023 13th International Conference on Communication and …

Blockchain-based Searchable Encryption Scheme for Spatial Text Data                                                                           2023

Z Lin, Y Yang, Y Zhan, J Li, C Dong    
Proceedings of the 2023 13th International Conference on Communication and …    

Actuation sequence tampering attack detection on field-level micro-electrode dot arrays based on 2-layer authentication                    2023

X Guo, C Lyu, Z Chen, X Wang, R Bao, C Dong    
Proceedings of the 2023 13th International Conference on Communication and …    

A reliable and secure mobile cyber-physical digital microfluidic biochip for intelligent healthcare                                       2023

Y Yao, D Qiu, H Liu, Z Yang, X Liu, Y Yang, C Dong    
IEEE Access 11, 137990-137998    

A fine-grained detection method for gate-level hardware Trojan based on bidirectional Graph Neural Networks               2023

D Cheng, C Dong, W He, Z Chen, X Liu, H Zhang    
Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences 35 (10 …    

A novel fast video fragment matching algorithm for copyright protection                                                                             2023                                                                

Y Chen, Z Yang, C Dong, H Lin, Z Chen    
2023 IEEE Intl Conf on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing, Intl Conf …    

Empowering intelligent home safety: Indoor family fall detection with yolov5                                                                       2023

Y Ke, Y Yao, Z Xie, H Xie, H Lin, C Dong    
2023 IEEE Intl Conf on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing, Intl Conf …    

IoT-enabled Low Communication Cost Sentiment Analysis Architecture for Intelligent Healthcare                                      2023

Y Yao, D Qiu, B Li, C Dong, L Xu, X Guo, C Lai    
2023 IEEE Intl Conf on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing, Intl Conf …    

Text Summarization Generation Based on Improved Transformer Model                                                                             2023

J Lin, X Guo, C Dong, C Lyu, L Xu, Z Chen    
2023 IEEE Intl Conf on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing, Intl Conf …    

Resource Binding and Module Placement Algorithms for Continuous-Flow Microfluidic Biochip in Intelligent Digital Healthcare                 2023

Z Yang, H Huang, Z Liu, C Dong, L Xu    
International Conference on Green, Pervasive, and Cloud Computing, 266-281    

A Cloud Computing User Experience Focused Load Balancing Method Based on Modified CMA-ES Algorithm                 2023

J Luo, C Dong, Z Chen, L Xu, T Chen    
International Conference on Green, Pervasive, and Cloud Computing, 47-62    

An Industrial Robot Path Planning Method Based on Improved Whale Optimization Algorithm                                            2023

P Huang, C Dong, Z Chen, Z Zhen, L Jiang    
International Conference on Green, Pervasive, and Cloud Computing, 209-222    

Genetic-A* Algorithm-Based Routing for Continuous-Flow Microfluidic Biochip in Intelligent Digital Healthcare                   2023

H Huang, Z Yang, J Zhong, L Xu, C Dong, R Bao    
International Conference on Green, Pervasive, and Cloud Computing, 209-223    

A privilege-constrained sanitizable signature scheme for e-health systems                                                                           2023

Y Zhan, B Yi, Y Yang, R Shi, C Dong, M Huang    
Journal of Systems Architecture 142, 102939    

A dynamic distributed edge-cloud manufacturing with improved ADMM algorithms for mass personalization production      2023

C Dong, JH Luo, Q Hong, Z Chen, Y Chen    
Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences 35 (8), 101632    

Improving BERT with local context comprehension for multi-turn response selection in retrieval-based dialogue systems   2023

Z Chen, L Liu, Y Wan, Y Chen, C Dong, W Li, Y Lin    
Computer Speech & Language 82, 101525    

A cost-driven method for deep-learning-based hardware trojan detection                                                                               2023

C Dong, Y Yao, Y Xu, X Liu, Y Wang, H Zhang, L Xu    
Sensors 23 (12), 5503    

An improved deep reinforcement learning for robot navigation                                                                                                2023

Q Zheng, X Huang, C Dong, Y Liu, D Chen    
Third International Conference on Machine Learning and Computer Application …    

Efficientdet based visial perception for autonomous driving                                                                                                     2023

C Lyu, X Fan, Z Qiu, J Chen, J Lin, C Dong    
2023 8th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Big Data Analytics …    

Speech emotion analysis based on vision transformer                                                                                                             2023

X Huang, Q Zheng, Y Zhang, D Cheng, Y Liu, C Dong    
2022 2nd Conference on High Performance Computing and Communication …    

SFTA: spiking neural networks vulnerable to spiking feature transferable attack                                                                     2022

X Lin, C Dong, X Liu    
2022 IEEE 21st International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and …    

Spiking Neural Networks Subject to Adversarial Attacks in Spiking Domain                                                                             2022

X Lin, C Dong, X Liu, D Cheng    
International Conference on Machine Learning for Cyber Security, 457-471    

The structural weight design method based on the modified grasshopper optimization algorithm                                             2022

Y Ye, S Xiong, C Dong, Z Chen    
Multimedia Tools and Applications 81 (21), 29977-30005    

RLocHT: A hardware Trojans localization method utilizing deep learning at the gate-level                                                         2022

Y Zhang, C Dong, Y Xu, Y Yao, C Lyu    

2022 IEEE 10th Joint International Information Technology and Artificial …

SPA: An efficient adversarial attack on spiking neural networks using spike probabilistic                                                           2022

X Lin, C Dong, X Liu, Y Zhang    
2022 22nd IEEE International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet …    

A survey on security of digital microfluidic biochips: Technology, attack, and defense                                                                 2022

W Guo, S Lian, C Dong, Z Chen, X Huang    
ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems (TODAES) 27 (4 …    

Security and innovation protection of biochips                                                                                                                              2022

C Dong, X Liu, Y Xu, S Lian    

Handbook of Biochips: Integrated Circuits and Systems for Biology and …

GNN4Gate: A bi-directional graph neural network for gate-level hardware trojan detection                                                         2022

D Cheng, C Dong, W He, Z Chen, Y Xu    
Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), 1315-1320    

A dynamic demand-driven smart manufacturing for mass individualization production                                                                2021

Q Hong, Z Chen, C Dong, Q Xiong    
2021 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC …    

HTtext: A TextCNN-based pre-silicon detection for hardware Trojans                                                                                           2021

Y Xu, Z Chen, B Huang, X Liu, C Dong    
2021 IEEE Intl Conf on Parallel & Distributed Processing with Applications …    

Multi-dimensional feature fusion and stacking ensemble mechanism for network intrusion detection                                          2021

H Zhang, JL Li, XM Liu, C Dong    
Future Generation Computer Systems 122, 130-143    

MEDASec: logic encryption scheme for micro-electrode-dot-array biochips IP protection                                                            2021

C Dong, L Liu, X Liu, H Liu, S Lian    
Proceedings of the 2021 Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI, 277-282    

Overlapping community detection based on attribute augmented graph                                                                                       2021

H Lin, Y Zhan, Z Zhao, Y Chen, C Dong    
Entropy 23 (6), 680    

BotDetector: An extreme learning machine‐based Internet of Things botnet detection model                                                       2021

X Dong, C Dong, Z Chen, Y Cheng, B Chen    
Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies 32 (5), e3999    

6g mobile communications for multi-robot smart factory                                                                                                                 2021              

Z Chen, KC Chen, C Dong, Z Nie    
Journal of ICT Standardization 9 (3), 371-404    

Detection of algorithmically generated domain names using the recurrent convolutional neural network with spatial pyramid pooling           2020

Z Liu, Y Zhang, Y Chen, X Fan, C Dong    
Entropy 22 (9), 1058    

Distributed attack modeling approach based on process mining and graph segmentation                                                             2020

Y Chen, Z Liu, Y Liu, C Dong    
Entropy 22 (9), 1026    

Hardware trojans in chips: A survey for detection and prevention                                                                                                    2020

C Dong, Y Xu, X Liu, F Zhang, G He, Y Chen    
Sensors 20 (18), 5165    

Htcatcher: Finite state machine and feature verifcation for large-scale neuromorphic computing systems                                     2020

G He, C Dong, X Huang, W Guo, X Liu, TY Ho    
Proceedings of the 2020 on Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI, 415-420    

An unsupervised detection approach for hardware trojans                                                                                                               2020

C Dong, Y Liu, J Chen, X Liu, W Guo, Y Chen    
IEEE Access 8, 158169-158183    

Application of AdaBoost algorithm based on decision tree in forecasting net power of circulating power plants                              2020

X Dong, C Dong, B Chen, J Zhong, G He, Z Chen    
2020 IEEE 4th Information Technology, Networking, Electronic and Automation …    

IPlock: An effective hybrid encryption for neuromorphic systems IP core protection                                                                         2020

G He, C Dong, Y Liu, X Fan    
2020 IEEE 4th Information Technology, Networking, Electronic and Automation …    

A survey of DMFBs security: State-of-the-art attack and defense                                                                                                      2020

C Dong, L Liu, H Liu, W Guo, X Huang, S Lian, X Liu, TY Ho    
2020 21st International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED), 14-20    

A novel method on discrete particle swarm optimization for fixed-outline floorplanning                                                                     2020

Y Ye, X Yin, Z Chen, Z Hong, X Fan, C Dong    
2020 IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and …    

The State-of-the-art in EDA tools: the Hardware Trojan Confrontation Framework                                                                            2019  

F Zhang, C Dong, W Hu, J Chen, G He    
2019 IEEE 4th Advanced Information Technology, Electronic and Automation …    

A machine-learning-based hardware-Trojan detection approach for chips in the Internet of Things                                                   2019

C Dong, J Chen, W Guo, J Zou    
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks 15 (12), 1550147719888098    

Grasshopper optimization algorithm combining Gaussian and chaos theory for optimization design                                                 2019

X Chen, Y Ye, C Dong, Z Chen, W Guo, Y Huang    
2019 3rd International Conference on Electronic Information Technology and …    

SSA-MSV: Multiple Supply Voltage for VLSI based on                                                                                                                        2019

Y Liu, R Chen, C Dong, Z Chen    
2019 IEEE 10th International Conference on Software Engineering and Service …    

Combine discussion mechanism and chaos strategy on particle swarm optimization algorithm                                                         2019

X Fan, Y Ye, Z Chen, Z Hong, Z Qiu, C Dong    
2019 IEEE 10th International Conference on Software Engineering and Service …    

QSSA: Quantum evolutionary salp swarm algorithm for mechanical design                                                                                       2019

R Chen, C Dong, Y Ye, Z Chen, Y Liu    

Ieee Access 7, 145582-145595

A novel chaotic dragonfly algorithm based on sine-cosine mechanism for optimization design                                                          2019                                  

J Peng, Y Ye, S Chen, C Dong    
2019 2nd International Conference on Information Systems and Computer Aided …    

A Hardware-Trojans detection approach based on eXtreme Gradient Boosting                                                                                  2019

J Chen, C Dong, F Zhang, G He    
2019 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Computer and Communication …    

A locating method for multi-purposes HTs based on the boundary network                                                                                         2019

C Dong, F Zhang, X Liu, X Huang, W Guo, Y Yang    
IEEE Access 7, 110936-110950    

Dual-search artificial bee colony algorithm for engineering optimization                                                                                              2019

C Dong, Z Xiong, X Liu, Y Ye, Y Yang, W Guo    
IEEE Access 7, 24571-24584    

A multi-layer hardware trojan protection framework for IoT chips                                                                                                         2019

C Dong, G He, X Liu, Y Yang, W Guo    
IEEE Access 7, 23628-23639    

The sensitivity design of piezoresistive acceleration sensor in industrial IoT                                                                                        2019

C Dong, Y Ye, X Liu, Y Yang, W Guo    
IEEE access 7, 16952-16963    

A method for indoor Wi-Fi location based on improved back propagation neuralNetwork                                                                    2019

J Chen, C Dong, G He, X Zhang    
Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences 27 (4), 2511 …    

A chaotic artificial bee colony algorithm based on levy search                                                                                                              2018

S Lin, C Dong, Z Wang, W Guo, Z Chen, Y Ye    
IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and …    

The acceleration coefficients self-adapting in PSO                                                                                                                                2013

C Dong, Z Chen, S Sun    
International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications 7 …    

An adaptive hybrid combination of PSO and Extremal Optimization                                                                                                      2012

Z Chen, G Wang, C Dong    
2012 IEEE International Conference on Information Science and Technology …    

Hybrid particle swarm optimization algorithm for fixed-outline floorplanning                                                                                           2011

Z Chen, G Wang, C Dong    
Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on Computer Science and Network …    

Multiple voltage assignment based on PSO                                                                                                                                            2011

Z Chen, G Wang, C Dong    
Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on Computer Science and Network …    

A VLSI routing algorithm based on improved DPSO                                                                                                                                                            2009        

C Dong, G Wang, Z Chen, S Sun, D Wang    

2009 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Intelligent …

A method of self-adaptive inertia weight for PSO                                                                                                                                   2008 

C Dong, G Wang, Z Chen, Z Yu

2008 international conference on computer science and software engineering 1 …

The inertia weight self-adapting in PSO                                                                                                                                                  2008      

C Dong, G Wang, Z Chen
2008 7th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, 5313-5316

An Exploration on Nano-scale Hardware Design Technologies                                                                                                              2008

C Dong
Purdue University

2 5G and Beyond 5G Technology for Smart Factories

Z Chen, KC Chen, C Dong, Z Nie     


公开号 授权公告日 本人排名
CN114065308A 2024.08.02 第一
CN114065307A 2024.07.09 第一
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一种基于语义理解的深度学习硬件木马检测方法 CN113486347A 2023.07.14 第一
工业4.0需求驱动的分布式动态边缘云智能制造方法及系统 CN113467405A 2022.09.02 第一
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