

来源:     发布日期:2019-11-11    浏览次数:

报告人林奕伸副教授, 江苏省盐城师范学院 数学与统计学院统计系

报告时间2019年1128(周) 1500-


报告题目Optimal Rules for the Sequential Selection of Uniform Spacings

报告摘要The unit interval [0,1] is broken at random into n spacings with the breaking points given by a random sample of size of n-1 from the uniform distribution on [0,1]. Suppose the decision-maker observes the lengths of these spacings sequentially and must decide whether to select the present spacing or to reject it and continue observing the next one if any. No recall of preceding observations is permitted. We first find an optimal stopping rule to maximize the probability of selecting the largest spacing. Next, we find an optimal stopping rule to maximize the expected length of the selected spacing.

报告人简介林奕伸博士于2016 6 月中国台湾彰化师范大学数学系取得博士学位。毕业之后,从2016 8 月至2018 8 月间服务于中国台湾中央研究院统计科学研究所,担任博士后研究员,指导老师是姚怡庆教授;现在于江苏省盐城师范学院担任副教授。林博士研究领域是应用概率论,其中包含了最优控制、最优停止、概率理论及财务数学上的应用。


