

来源:     发布日期:2016-11-08    浏览次数:




报告题目:Two problems on cycles in graphs

报告摘要:Our talk includes two topics from structural graph theory. In particular, it is closely related to two previous papers of Fan.

In 1984, Fan proved that every 2-connected graph $G$ is Hamiltonian if every two vertices $x,y$ of distance two in $G$ satisfy that $\\max\\{d(x),d(y)\\}\\geq \\frac{|G|}{2}$, which is called Fan-Theorem in many papers and monographs. Our first purpose of this talk is to present a complete characterization of (so called) Fan-type heavy subgraph pairs $\\{R,S\\}$ such that a 2-connected graph is Hamiltonian if it is $\\{R,S\\}$-f-heavy.

In 1990, generalizing a famous theorem of Erd\\H{o}s and Gallai, Fan proved that for every two distinct vertices $x,z$ in a 2-connected graph $G$, there is an $(x,z)$-path of length at least the average degree of all vertices other than $x$ and $z$ in $G$.Our second purpose of this talk is to present an extension of Fan's theorem. We prove that for any two vertices $x,z$ in a $k$-connected graph $G$ and every vertex set $Y\\subseteq V(G)\\backslash \\{x,z\\}$ with $|Y|=k-2$, there is an $(x,Y,z)$-path of length at least the average degree of all vertices other than $x$ and $z$ in $G$.

