报告人:淮阴师范学院 王玮明教授
报告题目:Recent work on stochastic epidemic model
摘要:In this talk, I will give a review of our recent work on stochastic epidemic models. The value of our study lies in two aspects. Mathematically, by using the Markov semigroups theory, we prove that the reproduction number
can be used to govern the stochastic dynamics of SDE model. If
<1 , under mild extra conditions, the sde system has a disease-free absorbing set which means the extinction of disease with probability one. if
>1, under mild extra conditions, it has an endemic stationary distribution which leads to the stochasticpersistence of the disease. Epidemiologically, we find that random fluctuations can suppress disease outbreak, which can provide us some useful control strategies to regulate disease dynamics.