报告题目:A Sustainable Vehicle-Crowd Based Vehicular Ad Hoc Network Supporting Edge Computing
A vehicular environment, with communication capabilities from the moving vehicles and the transportation systems, presents an extremely large and complex mobile networking scenario where multiple communication technologies are available. This talk will introduce a vehicle-crowd centered, networked system that has the capability to support high-demand mobile edge computing applications. The grouped vehicles are knitted together via the vehicular networking protocols. The benefits could range from more prompt and accurate data inputs and result outputs, to being an alternative for infrastructure-based systems. The talk will show initial study on finding the interdependent relationships between the physical vehicle-crowd system and the traffic signal control. The relationships can be used to develop adaptive schemes to sustain the vehicle crowd. The talk will also introduce our work on improving Vehicular Ad Hoc Network via Named Data Networking architecture for more efficient information sharing.
Dr. Xiaoyan Hong is an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Alabama, AL USA. She received her Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), Bachelor and Master degrees from Computer Science and Technology of Zhejiang University, China. Her research interests are in the areas of mobile and wireless networks, connected vehicles, intelligent transportation system, software defined networking, and underwater acoustic communication and networks. Her research has been supported by National Science Foundation. She has published more than 130 peer-reviewed articles in prestigious international journals and conferences. She has served as technical program chairs and on technical program committees for a number of major international conferences and reviewed papers for many top-tier international journals on computer and wireless networks. More details can be found at http://hong.cs.ua.edu/.